Sunday, July 23, 2006

Doulos, what a blessing!!

Wassup Jesus lovers!! I'm so blessed coming back from a trip to doulos, the ship with a lot of books and chics!! hahaha Seeing people of different nations on that boat working 2gether bringing glory to God...It's good Praise God..NOw i really wanna join them,.. and if they're sailing to US, i'll ask them to drop me in NEw York next Fall!! haha.. Save money on air tickets!!! hhahaa... Pretty smart eh?? I can't wait to go to NEw York!! Only one more year.. Actually, i planned to leave on August 06 last year..but due to my bad grades... It's delayed 1 more year... shucks!! Maybe God wants me to stay longer.. It's not the right time now though,. Oh well, 1 more year GOd!! Bring me there!! When i was driving home, I talked to GOd about how cool Doulos is despite its old age.. my reply was; "Do you know what makes me happy? Seeing people of different backgrounds united serving me".. Yeah.. the crew was so diversed.. I shaked hand with an Italian dude, and saw chics from Finland, America, South Korea..., Aww man, chics on board!! woohoo!!


Anonymous said...

u went on doulos...i didn't get a chance..

Anonymous said...

I studied computing in Australia a decade ago, and one thing I grew to love is open-book exam. Every computing subject has open-book exam, I never needed to memorize anything. All I did was understood the concepts and worked hard with assignments.

If I spent the effort in doing assignments (which were really hard), then there is a good chance to score well in exam, because it is all about algorithm design, problem-solving and understanding.

By doing difficult assignments, you developed competence, and with that competence you should be able to do well in open-book exam. The exam questions always asked you to solve some problems that sound different from what is covered in assignments or lectures or past-year exams.

I would say a good faculty of computer science should have open-book exam. But I am not sure local faculty knows how to set proper open-book questions. Of course not all disciplines are suitable for open-book exam.

The matriculation college in Australia which I attended offered computer science and its exam was open-book. By offering computer science at matriculation level, students could find out and try it whether this might be their degree choice.

Do accountants do their work without manuals? Do lawyers handle court cases without access to law guides? Do professionals design software without access to manuals and references?

An open-book exam recognizes this reality in practice, and attempt to simulate a problem-solving environment in exam. But it can be scary because I never knew what questions would come up.

In closed-book exam you predict questions in terms of topics relevance. In open-book exam there is not much you can do to prepare, except sleep well the night before, which was the best thing about the exam.

Anonymous said...

While in Malaysia university, I have seen endless rounds of discrimination, and I have to admit that I have been a racist since then. Many of my friends who did STPM deserve the places in university were denied, and their places were filled up by you know who. I am racist because the government made me.

I am a racist even though I studied in a sekolah kebangsaan for 12 years of my early education. I used to mix with all races, and we were good friends……….That was until I get into local university.

With the rate these universities are accepting half-baked students from matriculation and churning out quarter-ponder studs every year, you really expect the employment market to absorb them all? Every company will go bust in less than a year if such nincompoops are there. Public sector can absorb la. Use taxpayers money to pay them.

I was once a distributor for scientific products and what I observe every year is, new lab technicians are employed but most of them sit around chatting and do nothing. Why? Because there isn't enough work to go around. They are just idling away in front of computer playing solitaire. How nice.

The government is never remorseful for their sins of wasting the taxpayers money in just employing a particular group for the sake of giving employment.

During Mahathir era, they were twiddling that the public sector is overburdened by having too many employees and so the privatisation began, and today is there much difference if not worse.

It is a sin of wasting the people hard earned money by employing so many who do so little and lately the government is told to hurry up to give employment to 30000 graduates.

Malaysia has the worse system of racial discrimination in this world. Pak Lah, are you listening? Everyone knows it. All the politicians including non-malays hide under their coconut trees and keep quiet. These conditions are not going to change ever. So don't wait.

Although my children were Singapore born, we were lucky not to settle back in Malaysia but decided to make our home in Australia. My son is now an engineer with loan from the government here. And my daughter is on a full scholarship reading pharmacy.

So my advice to all parents is to get out of Malaysia. They should try going to Singapore, Japan or even China. You will be welcome there if you are above average. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I think our national leaders have no moral right to call for national unity and integration so long as Barisan Nasional remains a coalition of mainly racially based parties. This charade has been going on since independence under the Alliance. Either do away with such parties or just live and let live. Any call for unity is just being hypocritical.

The prime minister has said that Umno must gain political strength. Already in full control of the country, Umno is still not satisfied. The prime minister, no less, has been harping on Umno's strength and the need to maintain its political hold.

If this is the case, why do we need the national service programme just to inculcate national unity and racial interaction? What about leadership by example? How do you expect the students to believe in the programme when their leaders have not integrated politically?

Why is our country so concerned with national unity and integration? Is there an external threat? In our progress towards developed nation status, race and religion should not be part of the government's patronising policies. Fourth-eight years after independence, we are still worried about which race is dominating or losing its dominance.

Meanwhile, the MCA, MIC and other coalition party leaders are happy to be part of the power- sharing arrangement even though there is no real power to share. The MCA president has to be one acceptable to the Umno president, not one whom is a real democratic choice of MCA.

The MIC president has been involved in the privatisation of most public utility companies. His immense wealth and power within his party ensures there is no competition for his position, and his successor will be one of his choices, subject to the approval of the Umno president.

The Gerakan president cannot even make a statement about religion in schools without censure from the prime minister. Is this 'BN power-sharing' or 'Umno-powered sharing'?

Why can't the public see for themselves what actually happened? How else can we be more transparent? Malaysia has still a long way to go as far as true democracy is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Many many years ago, my brothers, cousins and friends, all top students applied to local university to be computer and electrical engineers. None of us got in.

We all went abroad, many of us made a killing but all of us had a good career and was in the centre of the IT revolution.

Recently some of us were approached to return to Malaysia but even at million ringgit salary, we unanimously said - no.

Cheated once, it is a pity, cheated twice is your fault.

"Only a quarter of Malaysians is Chinese while more than half of the population is malays. Yet Chinese control half of the economy while malays only about 20%."

Whether there is NEP or not, don't make much difference in the long run. When you walk with crutches for too long, you lose the ability to stand on your own legs.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, parochialism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

History always repeats itself. And nature is cruel. Any race of lower intelligence gets wiped out eventually.

See what is happening to indigenous tribes and their lands, always taken over by smarter people from elsewhere. Look at Singapore, who owned it in the first place and who came and took it over?

America was taken by Europeans from the Red Indians. Even British convicts and unwanted lowlifes managed to grab Australia from the aborigines and reduced them to what they are today. They may become extinct one day.

However, Malaysians still have hope as they are learning fast. Just hope it is fast enough. Problem is that some of them are still crying for bumis policy as a crutch. The smarter ones know that it is just prolonging the agony. Anyway, the smarter ones actually are not from Malaysia originally.

You can only survive if you are able to stand on your own two legs. Shouting "Malaysia Boleh" is no use - if you can, you can.

Friend, you have a place there. Find your own niche in the food chain. (If you leave for greener pastures, you are repeating what your forefathers did when they left China and ended up in oversea.)

People with brains can overcome all sorts of man-made obstacles or unfairness. Those with brains but do not use them will cry for help.

You can decide which type you want to be.

Anonymous said...

If you read our Malaysia school history textbook - you will realised there are a few changes in the history. Did the malays change the history again?

How can you change the history to make our country and malays sound like so marvelous and smart but the fact is not, and insert the wrong information to our next generation? If there was a mistake made by your ancestor, admit it!

Going back to the history of Thailand and Malaysia, prior to the western colonialism era, the entire Malaysia was part of Thailand; the same way Laos was part of Thailand. Back then, the fittest survived and ruled. There were no such things as international laws.

During the western colonialism period, the British and the French came along. In order to maintain its independence, the Kingdom of Thailand was compelled to give up the currently called Malaysia part of Thailand to the British, and the currently called Laos to the French.

After that, the official boundaries that separated Thailand from Malaysia and Laos were drawn and recognized today by the United Nations.

So, the history textbook in school never really started from the root but started from whoever he is, the Parameswara who seems no one never sure how he looks like, or whatsoever migrant from Indonesia, and after that, all the malays thought this land called Malaysia and call them bumis and need the special rights for everything, and claim from everything.

Arrogant, bully, chauvinist, ego, empty brained Umno - who barely bloody hypocrite.

The land is simply not belongs to you naive malay, even we not to force, already a lot of Malaysians gone to other countries to find better living, especially the talented ones, our country not appreciate smart talented Chinese and Indians, other countries like America, Australia and England they do, that is why their country is so multi-cultured yet advanced, who is the lose one?

We are Malaysians, but then all these years are we really treated equally? We all know about that issues, just that you guys don't want to face it, try to hide it or push people out of the country, well……….no need to force all those talented people are already outside the country, let us see all those well-known Malaysians who work overseas:

The very Hollywood star, Michelle Yeoh in US. The very popular violinist, Andrew Au Yong in German. The very smart author, Sandra Chen in Australia. The very talented Indian chef, Sangkar in Paris.

Where are they from? Malaysia. Where are they now? Other people's countries - and many many more medical practitioners are overseas as well. Who is left over in Malaysia? Those lose one. We no need to force, we choose to leave.

Anonymous said...

Lead your Malaysia country by example! Unfortunately: when no all but one of the ministers has a university degree, this example shouldn't down spiral the level of education for the next generation.

It is true that ignorance of the masses keep who is in power. Sad way of playing democracy……….

Wow you got guts! Happy to say, people are not coming back to this wretched land, having the government turn its back upon them. The last word, I heard of Bangsa Malaysia………..All they know is to say, and then go on for the next NEP. Stupid!

Who in his sane mind to come back to a country which their lawful, taxpaying parents waste their tax on lazy people? Furthermore, the brainy-one will become the future feeder of lazy people and had his own children rights denied. Weird!

I am absolutely agree with you. Malaysia is strictly for those malay pig………..they are so stupid pig, yet the government want to aid them on their all those university places - 80% is reserved for higher education to these so called bumis (actually just the generation of the pirates originated from Indonesia).

Since the government doesn't appreciate us as talented person, then we shouldn't support this lame government anymore.

Remember! When the election comes the next time, please use your head to vote and not your emotion or your racial sentiment

A good government is one with good opposition - electing the opposition doesn't mean you against the ruling party or agree with the opposition.

There need to be balance, check and counter check. We cannot just depend on Mr Lim alone to fight!

I can relate to you in many ways. I have just found out that the best way to deal with bad things, is to turn a blind eye and ear to them. Ignore them, and they will leave you, soon enough. Allow them to spew their insults, it doesn't matter what they say anyway, it is us who are in control of our feelings and how we feel, not them.

I know you malays are pissed off too in your own way because you are too lazy and selfish to share. It is clear……….It is a hard thing to change from a lazy and selfish creature to a human. It is understandable.

If the word "democracy" has been followed properly according to the meaning, there will be no existing problems at all. Where is the freedom of speech on the Malaysia media? Why is there discrimination if people want to practice equal rights?

All of this issue leads to not democracy and racism! The word democracy is used to keep the happy image in the eye of other countries, so it won't effect the economy!

About the Polynesians person……….Yes, there were everywhere. Like Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, and etc. What you know? Polynesian originally from the Taiwan. Even malays are form Jawa. That makes them a native people from Polynesian island, but not natives of Malaysia.

I still believe that the people (Malaysians) are the ones who drive this country. Not corrupted politicians, racist cunts or other selfish groups. We could make changes. And changes we shall make for a brighter future. Peace out!

If you look around you, you'd see that some of our malays have distinctive Mongoloid features. Discrimination against races is disgusting, laws favoring our malays is an insult to us!

Anonymous said...

You malays don't like it? You leave! We are going to stay! We like it here! Who gives you the right to tell us what to do?

They just jealous because they are loose in economical race. I can understand that. If immigrants more rich than malays, then malays will be jealous like hell. It happens everywhere. If Chinese poor - I am sure malays never become racists but Chinese never made to be poor. We are made to be winner and sorry to the looser who become racists after that.

Malays never beat Chinese in economy even until end of the world - their destiny is to become slaves.

Why we live in your country because it is easier to earn money there - because your peoples have no brains that is why there are no competitive.

We are not scare at you my friend, lots of Chinese already move to other country such as Australia, Singapore or US. We have the money, we can go everywhere we like even going back to China!

God damn, you are really a fool. Why Chinese are everywhere? Here, let me tell you why. In China, it is hard to earn money because the competitive is extremely high. Where in country like Malaysia, there are no competitive at all - the reason is simple, you malays doesn't know how to do business and earn cash, so all the opportunity goes to the Chinese.

You malays are well educated and you have brain? And want to make Malaysia better? Why Malaysia still likes that? Corrupted, useless, weak junk country. The currency is useless, economy like shit! Think fools!

Thanks to Malaysia? Hahaha! And you said become rich because of Malaysia? No, Chinese become rich because we are hardworking and smart! Fools you! Chinese go everywhere also can live, in Australia, in US, and all over the world. Go traveling around and see if you can find any malay! Hahaha!

Become smart because education in Malaysia? Think smart! Dream! Your education system is lousy, suck, useless! The standard is low! Find prove stupid!

Heart? Where is our heart? You malays don't like Chinese, why do Chinese have to pay our heart to Malaysia?

Point the finger to yourself. What a big stupid malay fool dumbfuck.

Also, visit your brother Indonesia, and you can see all the shops and companies are operated by Chinese. We also conquer your brother economy, fools! Hahaha……….what a joke! Indonesia!

Let us face it. You don't want Chinese to get out of Malaysia. Because if they did, Malaysia would never develop. They would also bring a great deal of financial wealth and investments with them too.

Note Malaysia is doing well. It certainly isn't because of the malays.

And Thailand which is another prosperous South-East Asia nation. It also has a large Chinese population and a national culture that is welcoming towards Chinese. At least they have a leader on the South-East Asia knows of how to treat Chinese. It is no wonder that Thailand is on the verge of being a developed nation.

Anonymous said...

(They sound so stupid that only a true Umno pig could post them. I hope, for your own sake, that you are not an Umno pig type.)

The Umno pig speaks of media credibility. Here is the million dollar question. What media credibility? All newspapers in Malaysia are government affiliated or owned. There are no real independent daily newspapers in Malaysia!

You want harmony in Malaysia……….then control the spread of radical Islamization and stem the march towards Arabism.

The greatest threat to Malaysia harmony, above and over racial tensions, is a majority group with no sense of identity (or a misplaced one). Controlling the Internet will only result in speeding up of stupidity.

Don't be angry. He minister just another asshole. He thinks he can control the Internet media. Huh! Even the US government can't! Morons will be morons! Pretty lame excuse to ensure racial harmony!

Anyway that is the only excuse they got. Answer this Umno moron, how can you promote for a free media where you have licensing board to control it? What kind of country that enforces Internet control? I know one which is the communists. So are you trying to tell us that we are communists? Why be afraid of the Internet if you have mentioned yourselves that it should not be treated as the main media?

Just because we are not allowed to talk about racial issues doesn't mean they are not there. The issues will always be there until we all grow up, our balls dropped and ovaries ripen and we address the problems in a mature way.

However, look at the way things are now. Our "universities" (I truly hesitate to call them that. I think "zoos" would be the more appropriate term, seeing how the suck at UPM act recently) churn our graduates with shit for brains, making them follow the government blindly and useless for the workforce (just look at the number of unemployed local "zoos" graduates).

I find it "funny" and ironic that an Umno pig would open his mouth (snout?) and ask for a ban on the Internet to stop it from being used as a rumor mill when, if we look back to the history of Malaysia, Umno pig is the only party that has spread rumors that have led to bloodshed and racial genocide. Yes, I am talking about May 13.

Yes, Gerakan was wrong when it ran a rally that "insulted" the malays. But, Umno pig could have stopped the whole thing. Gerakan apologized profusely after the rally and the Umno pig could have just ignored them and not host a retaliatory rally of their own.

They could have been the bigger man, but they chose to be eviler pig. They started another rally, spread rumors that some malays were killed by Chinese, and the rest is history.

So to recap, how strange for the only party in Malaysia to cause bloodshed through rallies and rumors to ask for an end to rumors.

Mr Umno pig, are you sure you want to end rumors on the Internet? It has served your Umno pig party very very well in the past, giving you Umno pig control of this country and making you are cronies rich. Think again. Sure you still want censor the Internet?

Anonymous said...

They came in Tanah Melayu……….You mean Tanah Orang Asli, you Jawanese pirate descendent came in?

Perhaps that is what we should give these ungrateful leeches like malay ultra: Non-malay businesses should just pack up and leave, taking with them their capitals and investments. Non-malays with the means should emigrate.

Then these sick brain malay morons not only can keep their 30%, they can have 100%……….of nothing.

And we sit back and watch them implode under the heavy load of their bureaucracy, crutches and religious fundamentalism.

As for implosions, that is the only way malays are going to head if they don't pull their heads out of the sand soon. The world doesn't owe you jack shit, and very soon reality will catch up with the lot of you. You can either embrace reality or perish by it.

You chosen moniker make a monkey out of you and a complete insult to humanity. You have crossed the line a true malay would never cross, i.e. insult other faiths and religions.

As a non-malay and proud of it, I am ashamed to associate myself with hypocrites like you and your followers. I chose to leave the land of my birth because of people like you and guess what. No regrets whatsoever. Best decision I have ever made.

There is no reason for malays to be poor unless they are ass lazy or mentally deformed or really stupid..........pick your choice.

Anonymous said...

I really cannot understand why the malays, after given so much privileges, can still have so much to complain. It seems that you guys complain about everything.

You complain that the non-malays are insensitive but here I can see so many articles that are not just insensitive but totally rude and arrogant to the non-malays.

You malays should try to understand how people (non-malays) feel before criticizing others. If you are unhappy with others, please remember that there are many others who are also unhappy with you.

But I believe everything is mutual - so if you want respect from others, you should first respect others and also yourself.

If you always think that the non-malays are lucky to be in Malaysia, the non-malays would also have the same thinking that the malays are so lucky as all their needs - mosques, schools, university fees, are subsidized mostly by taxes collected from the non-malays.

I think Malaysia is the only country where its people keep on talking about "special rights" while other countries keep moving on.

This is a very sad situation in Malaysia. 49 years after independence, the state of mentality of the Malaysians is still racially polarized.

Based on the postings made by a lot of people here, the feeling of animosity between the races could be worse than the situation before independence.

Each race is questioning the loyalty of the others. Chinese running back to China. Indians running back to India. Malays running back to Indonesia. Ask yourself this question - can anyone of you go back to these countries where your ancestors came from?

There is nothing wrong and to be too proud of multiracial in our country, and look at Australia - they have their own "bumi", Chinese, English, German, Greek, Indian, Italian, South American, Vietnamese, etc, they people have more racial in their country, why do they live so peacefully? Because of equality, I wonder why our country is still so……….blah.

We can't afford to give BN a 90% majority again. It will be a suicidal move towards destroying the future for Malaysia. Very disappointed indeed!

Anonymous said...

You malays don't like it? You leave! We are going to stay! We like it here! Who gives you the right to tell us what to do?

They just jealous because they are loose in economical race. I can understand that. If immigrants more rich than malays, then malays will be jealous like hell. It happens everywhere. If Chinese poor - I am sure malays never become racists but Chinese never made to be poor. We are made to be winner and sorry to the looser who become racists after that.

Malays never beat Chinese in economy even until end of the world - their destiny is to become slaves.

Why we live in your country because it is easier to earn money there - because your peoples have no brains that is why there are no competitive.

We are not scare at you my friend, lots of Chinese already move to other country such as Australia, Singapore or US. We have the money, we can go everywhere we like even going back to China!

God damn, you are really a fool. Why Chinese are everywhere? Here, let me tell you why. In China, it is hard to earn money because the competitive is extremely high. Where in country like Malaysia, there are no competitive at all - the reason is simple, you malays doesn't know how to do business and earn cash, so all the opportunity goes to the Chinese.

You malays are well educated and you have brain? And want to make Malaysia better? Why Malaysia still likes that? Corrupted, useless, weak junk country. The currency is useless, economy like shit! Think fools!

Thanks to Malaysia? Hahaha! And you said become rich because of Malaysia? No, Chinese become rich because we are hardworking and smart! Fools you! Chinese go everywhere also can live, in Australia, in US, and all over the world. Go traveling around and see if you can find any malay! Hahaha!

Become smart because education in Malaysia? Think smart! Dream! Your education system is lousy, suck, useless! The standard is low! Find prove stupid!

Heart? Where is our heart? You malays don't like Chinese, why do Chinese have to pay our heart to Malaysia?

Point the finger to yourself. What a big stupid malay fool dumbfuck.

Also, visit your brother Indonesia, and you can see all the shops and companies are operated by Chinese. We also conquer your brother economy, fools! Hahaha……….what a joke! Indonesia!

Let us face it. You don't want Chinese to get out of Malaysia. Because if they did, Malaysia would never develop. They would also bring a great deal of financial wealth and investments with them too.

Note Malaysia is doing well. It certainly isn't because of the malays.

And Thailand which is another prosperous South-East Asia nation. It also has a large Chinese population and a national culture that is welcoming towards Chinese. At least they have a leader on the South-East Asia knows of how to treat Chinese. It is no wonder that Thailand is on the verge of being a developed nation.

Anonymous said...

University Malaya standard dropped the moment the UK General Medical Council stopped recognising UM medical degree. From medical, the '"disease" spread to other faculties over the years.

In fact I am waiting for past UM graduates to write more and more letters to highlight the real problems within the university. Otherwise, the vice chancellor will be in denial syndrome.

When are we going to see such a success story and the like back here? Maybe we have to wait for another 50 years. We are 50 years back compare to Singapore University and how we are going to catch up?

Our country is lack of strong R&D culture in all spectrums of sectors. Be it biz world, industrial, university, etc. Even MSC in the eyes of IT and property expert, it is just another "white elephant" and more on property development showcase rather than ICT.

What can argue is to certain extent valid, but look in holistic view if IT in MSC Cyberjaya is lack R&D, then our IT sector can absorb how many IT graduates? It is not a surplus of IT graduates but the Malaysia IT sector growth is limited, thus limit the employment opportunity.

Never compare with western or Singapore education level as our education fundamental systems are flaws from primary to tertiary level, constraint by current "third world mentality".

During my time, had excellent external examiners - Nobel laureate Yang Zheng Ning was one of them. We had never missed his speech each time he visited UM. I can still vividly recollect his comparison of NUS and UM students.

Singapore students have extremely good memory. They can memorise and reproduce word-by-word text from books into their answers. UM students used their own words to answer questions. What a compliment from a Nobel Prize winner! This day will never return!

These days, when I travel overseas, I refrain from telling people where I come from, if I can - you know the reason/reasons.

It is really sad to see all the good things gone forever. All systems in Malaysia are crumbling!

30 - 40 years ago, if you get a place in UM, you don't bother about going overseas. Nowadays, if you get a place in UM, it ranks behind places offered overseas, and even behind some twinning schools like Monash and Nottingham. Most of the ministers send their children to international schools, and then on to foreign universities.

The rot has set in too deep. The situation can only be reversed over a long period of time, starting with the overhaul of our entire educational system, and the establishment of a level playing field for all Malaysians.

If you sit in at any of the lectures, you will find it very boring, lacking, uninspiring in content and interaction.

An extension of our school system no doubt where it is just a one way traffic and the lecturer in front just delivers or reads his notes and the students just copy whatever they can, not questioning anything and the lecturer not giving anymore or encouraging intelligent discussion.

At exams, the lecturers give out very strong hints, even the questions themselves at times, to ensure their students pass.

Listen in on the tutorials and you wonder what they are all talking about, very low in intellectual contents, contributions and efforts. You would wonder what our schools and universities are producing and can't believe that you are actually at a university.

Everyone is just going through the motions of an "education process" for three years or more picking up absolutely nothing and with their minds essentially undeveloped and unprepared for their working lives ahead.

They graduate illiterate and useless, unable to communicate, fend and think for themselves. But they feel and think the world owes them a living.

You will then appreciate why our "graduates" are unemployable. Only the civil service and Pak Lah want them.

Even the education minister is sending his children overseas. It has always been the case. Local education is for the ordinary people but not for the ministers and royalties.

Bolehland has been screwed up by a bunch of "half-past-six" for many decades, in particular our education policy, which has been permanently damaged.

When MU was the only one university for the whole country, it was producing graduates recognized overseas. Medical degrees were recognized along with engineering, science, etc. Not so today.

It will take several generations to undo what politicians have done to the standards and the systems for the last thirty years. That is how bad it is.

The only thing that can reverse the sorry state of affairs in UM, and indeed in all the other universities, is the establishment of a level playing field. Have one entrance exam for all, and award places based on meritocracy. The level playing field must also extend to the teaching staff.

Where meritocracy prevails, the cream will rise to the top. It may take years to right the wrongs of the past, but we must start implementing the process of meritocracy now if there is to be any hope at all.

Anonymous said...

Proton is destined to doom on the day it is born. Commonsense tells us that Malaysia does not have a market big enough to fall back on, when international competition gets hostile.

What we buy here has less features than the exported models, but at a higher price. This shows that the government we place our faith in knows exactly how to "squeeze" us. Proton is last when it wants to make money from foreigners!

Proton cars full of mechanical faults continue to be produced and pushed to the domestic market (more ridiculously, these faults are not repaired no matter how many times these cars are sent back to Proton!). With this kind of alarming irresponsibility, how can we compete internationally? Simply incredible! Malaysia Boleh!

Anonymous said...

waaah! very long comments :(

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