Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Guess what??

Guess what?? I'm still in college!! Can't u believe it?? Sigh, no transport home.. waiting for mummy to pick me up.. at bout say, 8 something.. Oh man.... So, world religions was pretty easy today.. amazingly, i managed to answers ALL THE QUESTIONS!! Woohoo! Praise God!!! Well, paper ended at 3 and after it, i thanked my lecturer, Mr Chris Cheah.. Yeah show some sign of gratittude eventhough your lecturer might be boring. Later i went to oasis. finding out that there were no INTIans there except Taylor's CG. I chilled there till it's 4 16 and i went of to the library. ANd now, it's 7pm and i'm at com 19 typing.. Hmm maybe it's not that bad after all, since it's the second last day of college for me.. staying back late has a purpose after all. I met with a friend again after meeting him in Asia cafe.

Thought of the day, earlier this day, GOd told me to surrender certain things to Him.. Well, it was hard, and i sound real selfish when i replied God. I'm, still struggling in certain areas of life. like reading the Bible and having the discipline of doing quiet time. We all have our own struggles and somehow, after contemplating on the troubles i have, i turn to God. it's like a routine thingy, where i Trouble->Contemplate-> Depression->God.. Hmm sounds real familiar to me.. Well, what i've learnt is that I does not seem to start from contemplating and worrying . just look to GOd.. DOn't look horizontally at the probs, just look up vertically: towards God! hmm and another thing is that, don't compare yourself with others.. everyone is made equal with each of us having a spiritual gift from God..
Picture this: Two sticks of different heights being stuck on the ground vertically.. Look horizontally, it's of different height.. but look from the top.. it's just two even circles on the ground.. and this is how God looks at each of us.. from the top.. as equals... This wonderful illustration was told by my dear fren, wei soon who is now in Russia with weeks doing medicine.. God Bless u guys!

hmm it's 7.20 now.. and ,, hey!! there's Guy Sebastian is perfoming live and it's FREE!!! It's on the 39th of Oct. Sunday, 8pm.. if u wanna go, tell me asap... cause i need to get the free passes 4 u guys! k??
untill then, God Bless!

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