Tuesday, October 18, 2005

REal Bor3d!

Sigh... :- ( , it's been since 12 i'm still in col! real bor3d man! I dunno what to do except study.. (got physics test 3 2moro , pls pray). anyways, i've been thinking about the book i read last year ----- "boy Meets Girl" by JOshua Harris..

talks about a young christian guy (the author himself) about how he courted his wife through CHristian COurtship.. sounds old fashion eh?
not... he says that realtionships should be GOd-centered and not of personal desires, but of GOd's.. hm sounds quite true.. he talks about the "do's and the don'ts" during a premarital realtionship... as in during the courtshipo process.. hmm sounds right..

Well, i've been listening to a song.. and Proverbs 31 sprang out from the lyrics.
In complete curiousity, i opened my Bible and found out that it talks about "Who can find a noble woman". (gosh i hope GOd does find one for me.. ;-p). Say, i'm not really desperate now.. but it makes u wonder, 10 years down the line, who am i gonna wake up wif, to share life with, start a family wif hmmm..

well, whatever it is, He knows best.. . it's 6.34 now.. and dad is gonna come bout 7 something.. .. gtg, got physics test 2moro... pls pray..

God Bless,